Joseph Richardson

President & CEO
Professional Purchasing Partners

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Joseph.

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Strengthening Relationships, Infrastructure and Your Organization

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

16:50 Panel: Making the Most of Your Outsourcing Engagements

When considering outsourcing a portion or all of your information technology functions, there are many considerations you must take into account to ensure that you’ll actually receive promised savings. This panel will discuss:
• Selecting the right BPO for your organization- it’s not one size fits all
• Aligning your outsource strategy with your vendor strategy to drive value and reduce leakage
• Achieving value creation and ROI based on what’s outsourced and where
• Have compliance costs and the dollar’s continued weakness begun eating away at outsourcing’s potential savings?
• What is the lifecycle of an outsourcing engagement? How does that evolve over time?
• Offshore vs onshore implications

Risk Management

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

09:30 Panel: Mitigating Disruption by Implementing a Comprehensive Supplier Risk Management Program

Increasing regulatory requirements are forcing companies to monitor their suppliers in much more depth than ever before. Further, you must have a comprehensive program in place to mitigate supply disruption. Are you equipped to identify potential disruptions, monitor suppliers and adapt quickly to minimize the impact? This panel will help you:
  • Identify risks that could impact your supply chain, their probability and potential impact: natural disaster, geopolitical, export/import trade, regulatory, and more
  • Design a comprehensive program to mitigate future supply risks and limit nasty surprises
  • At what level or spend should procurement get involved in vetting potential suppliers for red flags? (Can the smaller suppliers be more risky?)
  • Determine whether excess inventory, time, or resources is most important in mitigating risk, and how your suppliers optimize this buffer
  • Implementing the technology and tools needed to monitor suppliers for red flags and alert you when something is amiss
  • Risk sharing with your suppliers- does it work?

12:00 Panel: Establishing and Optimizing a Global IT Sourcing Strategy

Companies with a global footprint have an especially challenging time developing a comprehensive IT sourcing strategy. When it comes to compliance issues, configuration issues, multiple reseller relationships and various pricing models, what’s the best way to implement a cohesive strategy across the world? Can global contracts be implemented from the home office? Do you need to decentralize? How do you deal with a patchwork of often conflicting global laws and regulations, especially in the EU and China? This panel will discuss how to overcome the headaches and optimize your global IT program.